December 23, 2011

Some Christmas Gifts

As you may have noticed, we are trying to catch up, posting as much shows as we can, but christmas is faster than us and is just behind the corner. As a matter of fact, I'll spend the coming week in my family "retreat", a place which is internet-free and tv-free. That means I won't be able to post the remaining December shows, including the one dedicated to christmas before christmas actually takes place. As a compensation, here are some christmas gifts courtesy of the blogosphere (and especially three great bloggers : Derek See, The Stepfather Of Soul and Action Pat) :

First, here's a bunch (actually 60) videos of tremendous records provided by the mighty Derek See through his YouTube channel (be prepare for a real treat) :
Obviously, don't forget to thank the man and to check his wonderful blog.

Then, there are all the podcast of the Stepfather Of Soul that you can listen through his blog.
Ready to dive in a whole new galaxy of Soul, there you go :

Finally, here's the third installment of The Beat Party, provided by the great Action Pat :
The best tank of soul exotica and soul novelties on the web!

I Wish You A Merry Christmas
 And a Happy New Year!

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